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Hooks in PyTorch 🪝

To quote myself in a most recently yet-to-be-published paper:

💪 The ability of deep neural networks (DNNs) come from extracting and interpreting features from the data provided.

What we call, deep features, are the abstract, latent representations that are naturally derived from the training data fed into the DNN. They reflect a consistent activation or response of a layer/node within the model hierarchy to an input.

The features from within a pretrained VGG-11 (top) and ResNet-18 (bottom) on layers of different depths visualized.

Spencer's Changelog for 2022 🥫

It has been a while since my last update. And to be fair, 2022 was a very boring and event-less year for me. Strict lockdowns and quarantines in mainland China made it impossible to do anything and be anywhere. I spent maybe 6 to 8 month of the 12 months in 2022 basically stuck at home. So, yeah, what a f*cked up year.

Last day of quarantine 💊

🛸 我免费啦

(^^ゞ 从 4 月 1 号开始的十天自我隔离终于结束啦!

不知道大家有没有发现,不过我确实 人在英国,刚下飞机。今天是我十天隔离的最后一天,明天我就正式可以出门耍咯。这毕竟是我第一次进入一个崭新的国家,所以来跟大家谈谈我这几天的感受。

Powering my blog with Notion 🎇


An update in 2022: Revisiting blogging with Notion in 2022.

Yup, yup, yup! (Paimon noises 🥁) My blog, that you are currently reading, is now officially powered by the one and only — Notion! Not only is my site still clean, uncluttered, and performative, but I can now get rid of all the annoying stuff where I have to manually write and push Markdown in VS Code, upload my images to a CDN through some poorly managed script, and rebuild my blog each time I publish new content. Notion has that sweet sweet rich-content management experience, why not use Notion as my blog's CMS?

Recap 2020 ⚽


Welcome 2021. 昨天(2020/1/1)我也才刚刚从北京回家的高铁上下来,现在我坐在刚搬来的新家里,用着陪伴了我快 3 年的机械键盘,写下这份迟到了一天的碎碎念。希望大家不要嫌弃。

震惊!竟然有人在 GitHub 上冒充我的身份! 👨‍💻



这件事情还要从我校为毕业生收拾行李开始讲起。今年六月末北京疫情复发,这一波直接让我们北京高校毕业生无法返校,个人行李物品必须由学校老师代为整理快递回家。这件事情让同级的同学们非常不满,于是微博知乎节奏飞起。当然这件事情是北京统一的行为,其中不光有我校学生自己不满,其他北京的学校听说有些处理的比我校更要糟糕,所以这件事情我们暂且不做评价。但从事情开始,就有「好事」的同学除了在知乎等平台上进行回答评论、表达意见,还直接在 GitHub 上面直接整理记录时间线。