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Last day of quarantine 💊

🛸 我免费啦

(^^ゞ 从 4 月 1 号开始的十天自我隔离终于结束啦!

不知道大家有没有发现,不过我确实 人在英国,刚下飞机。今天是我十天隔离的最后一天,明天我就正式可以出门耍咯。这毕竟是我第一次进入一个崭新的国家,所以来跟大家谈谈我这几天的感受。

Powering my blog with Notion 🎇


An update in 2022: Revisiting blogging with Notion in 2022.

Yup, yup, yup! (Paimon noises 🥁) My blog, that you are currently reading, is now officially powered by the one and only — Notion! Not only is my site still clean, uncluttered, and performative, but I can now get rid of all the annoying stuff where I have to manually write and push Markdown in VS Code, upload my images to a CDN through some poorly managed script, and rebuild my blog each time I publish new content. Notion has that sweet sweet rich-content management experience, why not use Notion as my blog's CMS?

Recap 2020 ⚽


Welcome 2021. 昨天(2020/1/1)我也才刚刚从北京回家的高铁上下来,现在我坐在刚搬来的新家里,用着陪伴了我快 3 年的机械键盘,写下这份迟到了一天的碎碎念。希望大家不要嫌弃。