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Hooks in PyTorch 🪝

To quote myself in a most recently yet-to-be-published paper:

💪 The ability of deep neural networks (DNNs) come from extracting and interpreting features from the data provided.

What we call, deep features, are the abstract, latent representations that are naturally derived from the training data fed into the DNN. They reflect a consistent activation or response of a layer/node within the model hierarchy to an input.

The features from within a pretrained VGG-11 (top) and ResNet-18 (bottom) on layers of different depths visualized.

Generic and semantic deep representations that DNNs learn through training on even simple image-level labels (supervised learning for classification), allow them to build both global understandings and localizable features of images that empower downstream tasks including object detection, similarity measurement, among others. Most often, these features are what we are after.

Using hooks, we will be able to extract these internal data from within DNNs, with the benefit of NOT having to tamper with model source code or even deconstructing the model itself. They are one of the best ways for us to probe into model internals without having to tear the model apart.

The torch-featurelayer library

I have recently made torch-featurelayer - 🧠 Useful utility functions and wrappers for hooking onto layers within PyTorch models for feature extraction - available to pip download and install. If you are in a hurry, go take a look at how this library is implemented.

What a DNN looks like internally

PyTorch models are constructed through layer-stacking.

Take the infamous VGG-11 model for example:

from torchvision.models import vgg11

model = vgg11()
>>> model
  (features): Sequential(
    (0): Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))
    (1): ReLU(inplace=True)
    (2): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
    (18): Conv2d(512, 512, kernel_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1), padding=(1, 1))
    (19): ReLU(inplace=True)
    (20): MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)
  (avgpool): AdaptiveAvgPool2d(output_size=(7, 7))
  (classifier): Sequential(
    (0): Linear(in_features=25088, out_features=4096, bias=True)
    (4): ReLU(inplace=True)
    (5): Dropout(p=0.5, inplace=False)
    (6): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=1000, bias=True)

On the outmost layer, the model is composed of three modules: features, avgpool, and classifier. Inside of which, are layers, including Conv2d, ReLU, and MaxPool2d, etc., stacked sequentially.

When an image of shape \([B, C, W, H]\) (i.e., batch, channel, width, and height: \([1, 3, 224, 224]\)) is fed into the VGG-11 model:

  • Layer features is the convolutional backbone, extracting features from the image.
  • After feature extraction, layer avgpool averages the features spatially.
  • Finally, layer classifier classifies the image into one of the 1000 classes.

How to hook onto features?

The features extracted by the features module in VGG-11 is often what we are most interested in.

Do all DNNs have a features module?

Definitely no. For VGG models, we have features. Whereas for ResNet models, we have layers1, layers2, ..., and for ViTs, we have blocks.1, blocks.2, ..., and so on. Different models have different internal names for their layers.

Different models are constructed with different modules and components as layers, where each layer is responsible for extracting some part of the feature dimensions. In PyTorch, the model hierarchy is a Python object, where to reference, say, the 5th layer inside the features module, you would:

>>> model.features[5]
MaxPool2d(kernel_size=2, stride=2, padding=0, dilation=1, ceil_mode=False)

This is where hooks are going to come into the picture.

To get the output of said layer when an image is fed, or forwarded, into the model, we would be using the PyTorch hook. More specifically, the register_forward_hook(), to enable the hook trigger after the data flows through this specific layer.

We first define our hook, which is essentially a callback function.

# a globally accessible placeholder for capturing the output of the layer
feat_out = None

def hook(module, inp, out):
    global feat_out  # not the best way to reference `feat_out` though
    feat_out = out

The hook is registered by applying register_forward_hook() on the specific layer, meaning that the hook function is called (triggered) when data passes through the layer it is hooked on.

h = model.features[5].register_forward_hook(hook)

The available PyTorch hooks

  • register_forward_hook - To register a hook to be called after the forward() call has computed an output.
  • register_forward_pre_hook - To register a hook to be called before the forward() call.
  • register_full_backward_hook - To register a backward hook to be called when the gradients with respect to a module are computed.
  • register_full_backward_pre_hook - To register a backward hook to be called before ... you get the idea.

Take a look at the docs for torch.nn.modules.module for details.

A handle h is returned so we can remove the hook for releasing resource later on.

We take care of the input image.

from PIL import Image
import torchvision.transforms as transforms

# specify image transform and normalize
transform = transforms.Compose(
        transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]),
# load image from local path
image ="/path/to/image.png")
# apply transform and normalize and add the batch dimension
image = transform(image).unsqueeze(0)

Finally, by feeding the designated image into the VGG-11 model, we can capture the internal output of the specific layer.

>>> # before forwarding the image, `feat_out` is None
>>> feat_out
>>> output = model(image)
>>> # after feeding the image into the model, `feat_out` is applied the value 
>>> # of the output at the hooked layer, as the hook is triggered when called
>>> feat_out
tensor([[[[0.5222, 0.1216, 0.1468,  ..., 0.4285, 0.4091, 0.0342],
          [0.4367, 0.2613, 0.0832,  ..., 0.3369, 0.4722, 0.0000],
          [0.3566, 0.4006, 0.1355,  ..., 0.0868, 0.0000, 0.1008],
          [0.3611, 0.0551, 0.1519,  ..., 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.1258],
          [0.0957, 0.1216, 0.0000,  ..., 0.0000, 0.0550, 0.0000],
          [0.3259, 0.0000, 0.3696,  ..., 0.0727, 0.0809, 0.0474]]]],
>>> feat_out.shape
torch.Size([1, 128, 56, 56])

At the very end, do not forget to release the hook.


What about torch-featurelayer?

Thank you for still remembering!

If you are already using torch-featurelayer, you would be relieved of the hassle of initializing placeholder variables, releasing resources manually, and so on.

To list all available layers to hook onto.

>>> import torch_featurelayer as tl
>>> layers = tl.get_layer_candidates(model, max_depth=2)  # we can specify a max_depth
>>> [l for l in layers]
['features', 'features.0', 'features.1', 'features.2', 'features.3', 'features.4', 'features.5', 'features.6', 'features.7', 'features.8', 'features.9', 'features.10', 'features.11', 'features.12', 'features.13', 'features.14', 'features.15', 'features.16', 'features.17', 'features.18', 'features.19', 'features.20', 'avgpool', 'classifier', 'classifier.0', 'classifier.1', 'classifier.2', 'classifier.3', 'classifier.4', 'classifier.5', 'classifier.6']

To extract the same layer output from the 5th layer of the features module in VGG-11.

import torch_featurelayer as tl

f_layer_path = "features.5"  # notice how we represent the 5th layer
hooked_model = tl.FeatureLayer(model, f_layer_path)

feat_out, output = hooked_model(image)  # the layer output and the model output are both returned

To extract multiple layers' outputs on one pass.

import torch_featurelayer as tl

f_layer_paths = [
hooked_model = tl.FeatureLayers(model, f_layer_path)

feat_outs, output = hooked_model(image)  # the layer outputs are returned in a list

Taking a look at the layer's output

What is so special about the model's internal layer output?

The output, feat_out, as we have hooked and extracted from the VGG-11 model, is a tensor of shape \([1, 128, 56, 56]\). The data it holds represent the deep features that VGG-11 was able to learn during supervised training.

The image that we were using all along is this.

An image from the ImageNet dataset.

To visualize feat_out, the \([1, 128, 56, 56]\) shaped tensor, specifically, the channel dimension \(128\), should first be flattened into an image-like shape. We apply mean() over the channel dimension, and omit the batch dimension.

fmap = feat_out.mean(dim=1).squeeze()  # flatten to image-like shape
fmap = fmap.cpu().detach().numpy()  # move to cpu

We then apply min-max normalization.

fmap = (fmap - fmap.min()) / (fmap.max() - fmap.min())

Finally, we plot the fmap feature map with matplotlib.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
plt.imshow(fmap, cmap="viridis")

Visualization of the internal layer output of VGG-11.

We are now able to visualize what features exactly was learnt by VGG-11 at the features module on layer 5. This is often what we call the feature maps of ConvNets.

Moving forward

The VGG architecture that we have been using in this example, is especially good at extracting high fidelity, semantically meaningful deep features from images, which is one of the most widely used model architectures at representing images at the latent dimensions. It has been successfully used for image similarity assessment, super resolution, and style transfer (think GANs).

As the basis of vision tasks, different models with supervised training for image classification tasks learn various features, hidden within their internal layers. These features, again, are the essential building blocks leveraged for more complex, in-depth downstream tasks.

By leveraging hooks in PyTorch, we are able to extract features at various levels of internal layers, without having to take the entire model apart. We would still be able to use existing pretrained model weights, while enjoying the benefits of a cleaner codebase.